Editor, Publisher and Owner:
Dr. Heinz Stipsits
Feldgasse 70
A-3412 Klosterneuburg
Mobile: +43 664 230 4336
Phone/Fax: +43 2243 87 890
Email: office@hs-consult.at
Information according to Austrian eCommerce Law §5 Abs. 1:
Responsible for content of slides
Company name: Dr. Heinz Stipsits Consulting
Executive: Dr. Heinz Stipsits
Address: Feldgasse 70
A-3412 Klosterneuburg
Mobile: +43-664-230 4336
Phone/Fax: +43-2243-87890
Email: office@hs-consult.at
Website: www.hs-consult.at
Standesvertretung: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
Consulting & Information Technology UBIT
Occupational group: Consultancy
Berechtigungswortlaut: Consulting inclusive of business organisation

Information on the section of consulting and information technology
of the WKO
relating to business councellors and organisers as download in pdf format:
General terms
and conditions for business consultant
Job description
of business consultant
of profession business consultant